Wood Stair Nosings
These are the best option if you want to finish your oak floor seamlessly with your stairs. Available in different widths, thicknesses are 10mm, 14mm, 15mm, 18mm and 20mm bull nose for stairs. The species available for wood stair nose are solid oak . Comes in two lengths which are 900mm and 2700mm. Huge choice available with next day delivery if ordered before 2pm weekdays.
Oak Nosing For Stairs
Ever wanted a perfect fit oak nosing for stairs, then we supply even the flooring that would match. We can colour stain the nosing to some of our floors. We also have a 14mm click together oak nosing.
Stair Nosings
Colour Stained Wood Profiles
Colour Stained Wood Profiles
Colour Stained Wood Profiles
Colour Stained Click Oak Stair Nosing To Match Holt Flooring